My Father's Son
Ricky Skaggs
Capo 2 |
AMy history is no secret it's Dwritten in the E7stones In the Ahill beside this river rests my Dmother's gentle Abones And daddy there beside her home Damong his next of E7kin And their Alegacy passed Ddown to me the son of mountain Amen |
Raised to be a miner by a Dminer's calloused E7hands Passed my Ayouth between this mountains where I Dgrew to underAstand That family was the word of God and Dfaith was its E7demand And Alife and death the same came from the Dcoal beneath this Aland |
Well a E7rich man writes the Abook of laws a E7poor man must deAfend But the Dhighest laws are Awritten on the hearts of honest F#mmen AIf that cup is passed to me to Ddo what must be E7done When they Alay me down remind them I was Djust my father's Ason |
I've walked among these people heard the Dstories that they E7tell I've Acrawled beside them in the mines and Dtouched the walls of Ahell I've shared their sacred secrets known their Dtriumph and their E7pain And Aright or wrong I'll stand with them on the Dfinal judgment Aday |
They say God gives us comfort when the Dtime of trouble E7comes They Asay we'll know no share of peace till Dwe lay down our Aguns But will my boy had the chance to do the Dthings I've never E7done Or will Ahe like me be told that he must Dbe his father's Ason |
Well a E7rich man writes the Abook of laws a E7poor man must deAfend But the Dhighest laws are Awritten on the hearts of honest F#mmen AWhen that cup is passed to me to Ddo what must be E7done On a Achunk of coal just carve these words DI was just my father's Ason |
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Datum vytvoření :2017-06-21T10:19:28.459759+00:00
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